Anthony Horowitz - The killing joke
Nyelv : angol
Megjelens : 2005.
Ktsmd : ragasztott kartonlt
Oldalszm : 330
Fogy r: 2 580 Ft
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Horowitz's latest novel (for adults) is The Killing Joke and opens with a man who goes into a bar... The novel's tagline is "Making jokes is no laughing matter" and one doesn't even have to be Watson to know the subplot of this book: jokes.
Guy Fletcher is an actor who hears an unfunny joke, protests against the joke and is subsequently beaten up by the jokers. Guy has two reasons for protesting against the joke: 1) He is in a bad mood because his girlfriend has left him and 2) he knows the woman the joke was about.
Guy, who has always been curious about the weirdest things, suddenly wonders: who ever thought of this cruel joke? Fletcher decides to follow the trail of the joke, hopeful to trace the origin of the joke. But it isn't before long that the reader is informed by the narrator that this may not have been Guy's best idea in years. There is something about the joke that certain people don't want Guy Fletcher to discover.
Horowitz legutols novellja (feltteknek) a The Killing Joke azzal kezddik, hogy egy frfi bemegy egy brba... A novella alcme "Making jokes is no laughing matter" s nem kell hozz Watsonnak lennnk, hogy tudjuk, a knyv tmja egy vicc.
Guy Fletcher egy sznsz, aki memghallgatott egy abszolt pontalan viccet, tiltakozik a vicc ellen s ksbb megveri a viccet mesl embert. Guy-nak kt oka is van, hogy tiltakozzon a vicc ellen: 1) Elg rossz napja volt, hisz elhagyta a bartnje s 2) ismeri a nt, akirl a vicc szlt.
Guy, aki mindig is kvncsi volt a termszetfeletti dolgokra, hirtelen elgondolkozik: ki tallhatta ki ezt a kegyetlen viccet? Fletcher elhatrozza, hogy kveti a vicc nyomt, remlve, hogy megtallja az eredett. De nem sokkal ksbb az olvas tjkozdhat a narrtor ltal, hogy nem ez volt Guy legjobb tlete az vben. Van valami a vicc krl, ami biztos nem akarja, hogy Guy Fletcher rtalljon. |